5 things I Wished I Knew Before Becoming a Mom!

5 things I Wished I Knew Before Becoming a Mom!

When my son was born, I expected him to fall asleep when naturally tired. You would think that would be the obvious way! But after having an overtired baby who had a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. I now understand that sleep brings more sleep. Plus, falling asleep is a learned skill! Here are five things I wished I knew before becoming a mom:

  1. A newborn should not be awake for more than 45 minutes to an hour. This is a super short wake window, especially when you have a slow eater (this was my issue)!
  1. A continuous white noise machine is a life-saver. Once I introduced the white noise machine, my baby was sleeping way better and longer! Plus, this is not a habit-forming tool! You can get rid of it when you want by simply turning the noise level down every few nights until you completely shut it off. Yes, I was that mom who was scared my little one would get addicted to that thing, but now he is two and a half, and I am keeping it for a while!
  1. Swaddling is a must. Yes, your little one will hate it at first. I was that parent who said that her baby hated being swaddled and always got his arms out over his head. Until I found a Velcro swaddle and used it properly and consistently. My little one almost fell asleep instantly after being swaddled for a week. My parents thought it was crazy until they witnessed it themselves!! My mom wished these existed when we were babies! Lol
  1. Your little one needs a whole lot of sleep! But will only sleep for a few hours at a time. So, it will be super hard on the parents. Only being able to have a few hours of sleep at a time was torture for me. I think this was the most challenging part of becoming a mom. The short periods of sleep! But remember it is temporary!!
  1. Your little one needs help to learn how to fall asleep by himself when he is tired! This one was a shock! You would seriously assume they would easily sleep when they get tired. But nop! If we miss that window, they can become overtired and have a much harder time falling asleep and staying asleep. This can make for a cranky baby and stressed-out parents!! So, it is super important to promote sleep as much as possible!!

Remember, you are a great mom and you got this!!!

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