WHY I Became a Sleep Consultant!

Baby Sleep Consultant, Todler Sleep Consultant

WHY I Became a Sleep Consultant!

I wanted to share with you why I became a sleep consultant

In 2019, I had my son Louis. I quickly became a mom to a child who was not sleeping well. I was a sleep-deprived mother who did not enjoy much about motherhood. I was so tired that I had a hard time functioning daily. I was even seeing black shadows! Yeah, scary stuff! The lack of sleep affected my mental health and my experience as a new mother. 

I remember dreading nighttime. Because I had no clue how much sleep, I was going to have. I felt so anxious and mad. For me, sleeping in one to two-hour intervals during the night was torture! My partner would wake up in the morning and tell me, “Oh, Louis slept well last night,” because he would not even notice when I would wake up to feed Louis. I was breastfeeding, so that made it hard on me!

Louis was up every two hours during the night and only wanted to nap on me, and I knew something needed to change! After learning that Louis required to fall asleep by himself to easily sleep through the night, it was a game-changer! I gradually helped Louis learn how to fall asleep independently. I was very determined and consistent. I wanted to sleep more than anything in the world. After about three weeks, Louis had full nights of sleep and all his naps in his crib! I gained so much confidence, and most importantly, I felt like myself again. 

The first time Louis slept through the night, I woke up a few times. Because my body was so used to being up every few hours. It took me a week to adjust to having my full nights back!

Because Louis was going down easily and early, I had my evenings again! I would go on a solo walk, spend time with my partner or sometimes make plans with friends. It was the best feeling to have some freedom again.

Because I was having more sleep, I joined a Mommy Fit group. This group helped me include movement in my life and socialize with other moms. During those mom workouts, I often heard moms complain about their child’s sleep. Most of them had babies who were not sleeping through the night! They wanted to know how I made it happen. To me, it was simple; your little one needs to learn how to fall asleep independently. But they needed a plan and support. I was not equipped to provide that!

Fast forward a year! I was back at my old job, no longer satisfied. Covid had drastically changed my role (like many others), and I had lost that passion. 

After discussing the possible career change with my mom and a few close friends, I researched and found the Family Sleep Institute; it just felt right. I leaped and enrolled in the Family Sleep Institute Certification in August 2020. I graduated in august 2021 and started Sleep bebe Sleep in September 2021!

Now I have the privilege to help other mamas go from exhausted to sleeping through the night!

P.S. If you need personalized sleep help, reach out on the contact page!

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